Swiss start up receives European award

(Basel) Basel start up AG continues to cause a stir. The company, founded in September 2017 by ex-Novartis strategist and digital health executive Ulrich Mühlner and physician and entrepreneur Yves Nordmann, was selected among the top 40 most promising healthcare tech companies in Europe by the prestigious HealthTech Summit 2018.
Leading global companies such as T-Systems and IBM had already recognized communication platform docdok’s potential at the end of last year and signed partnership deals with AG.
Around 2000 users already
“At the core of our docdok platform is a secure bi-directional communication channel, which connects physicians and healthcare professionals in hospitals and practices with their patients», CEO Ulrich Mühlner explains. In doing such, the company is serving a need, which thus far had hardly been addressed in Europe.
Communication between the patient and his physician (for example a general practitioner) or his hospital physician will be much easier and more efficient through docdok’s IOS or Android app than communication was done until now. Around 2000 patients are using this modern communication tool with their healthcare professionals already. One of the unique features of the docdok platform is that health professionals can better look after their patients both in clinical and research environment while using the same frontend. Recently, the UKBB in Basel as the first university hospital in Switzerland decided to pilot the docdok platform in several of their departments.
Other projects using the docdok platform are taking place at the Kantonsspital Basel-Land in Liestal and at the CHUV in Lausanne, more being planned at Universitätsspital and Claraspital Basel.
Cloud solution with great potential
Due to recent regulatory changes, pharmaceutical companies and especially medical device manufacturers are now increasingly requested to perform so-called “Post-Marketing Surveillance” and show “Patient Reported Outcome” data from the real world. “Our cloud-based solution is ideal for these purposes”, co-founder Dr. Yves Nordmann explains. As one of the innovators behind internationally renowned mHealth pioneers WellDoc in the US (mobile diabetes counseling) and Oviva in Europe (mobile nutritional counseling), Nordmann brings relevant experience and market understanding to the table. “Our goal was to provide a disease-independent solution which is optimally integrated into the workflow and includes content and even extensive disease management programs”, Nordmann adds. “This, among other places, is where our partnership with IBM comes into play, where we use the expertise of both companies for a novel solution in the field of asthma and COPD management. The docdok platform is being used for scientific purposes in the joint IBM-docdok «Project CAir» at the Universitätsspital Zürich.
Onward to Germany with CSS ex-CEO Georg Portmann
CEO Ulrich Mühlner adds: “We are now also about to launch in Germany, where we work on the one hand with Novartis and on the second hand have also already been able to enthuse the first couple of university hospitals to use docdok in their day-to-day practice and research”. In order to support this next growth phase from an organizational point of view, AG has named former CEO of Swiss health insurance CSS, Mr. Georg Portmann, to its board of directors. The designated member of the board brings his operational experience as well as his extensive network and knowledge in healthcare to the company.
Mr. Portmann is full of confidence: “I see a clear trend towards digitalization in healthcare, which also includes traditional doctor-patient relationship, which I think will be significantly improved. The unique docdok communication platform is making a crucial contribution and I look forward to support the team in word and deed in the upcoming growth phase”.
Basel start-up company AG was founded in 2017 by Dr. med. Yves Nordmann and Dr. Ulrich Mühlner. CMO Yves Nordmann is a practicing physician and successful entrepreneur in the healthcare space. He is a co-founder of Swiss market leader for cloud-based EMR E-Medicus AG and WellDoc, the digital health pioneer for mobile prescription therapies in the US, as well as Oviva, the first app for mobile nutritional counseling, which is reimbursed by health insurers in Switzerland.
As a former business consultant at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and senior pharmaceutical manager, CEO Ulrich Mühlner has 17 years of experience in healthcare. Most recently, he worked in strategic and operational positions at Novartis.
The mission of AG is to transform the quality and experience of healthcare services for both patients and physicians through its cloud-based, integrated and personalized platform. This will massively improve treatment outcomes and at the same time reduce the costs of medical treatments. The company aims to become the leading provider and partner of choice for sustainable healthcare services.
Press Contact: AG Dr. Ulrich Mühlner Florastrasse 44 4057 Basel
Phone +41 61 551 05 67